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About Us

Who we are

Compassionate Sheffield exists to improve people’s experiences of death, dying, loss and grief in Sheffield. This community-led programme acknowledges that death is a social and cultural event, that affects all of us. We’re funded by the NHS Integrated Care Board, Sheffield City Council and St Luke’s Hospice.

The programme began in 2021.

What we do

We collaborate with people, communities and organisations to create spaces where people feel safe and supported to explore and develop their knowledge of death, dying, loss and grief.

We work with communities to develop asset-based resources in partnership with local care agency services. This helps to bridge gaps between local citizens and Sheffield’s health and wellbeing services.

Our work is targeted to support individuals and communities who experience health and wellbeing inequalities in the city.

Why it matters

Death is part of life. It affects everyone.

Whether approaching the end of our own lives or supporting others, we can all benefit from growing confidence in how to navigate and support each other. 

When people are dying only a small amount of their time is spent with healthcare professionals. More time is spent with family, friends, and other people within their communities. This is why we take a community development approach.

How we do it

The programme is led by the needs, experiences, and ambitions of those we work with. By responding to what matters most, we encourage a sense of ownership with the people we partner with.
Whether we are creating spaces for people to talk openly about life, loss and death, delivering workshops or creating resources, our role varies between being facilitators, collaborators and curators.

We take a community development approach to our work, using a model of social movement to support cultural change.
Community development: Encouraging confidence, building capability and unlocking capacity.
Social movement: Actively listening to the experiences of citizens and creating sustained impacts, resulting in collective ownership.
Cultural change: Challenging the over-medicalisation of death, by elevating the social, cultural and spiritual elements that influence our experiences of life, loss and death.


Find out more

Our Compassionate Sheffield 2024 Impact Report offers a quick glimpse into the programme’s highlights, including:


  • Who we are – An overview of the Compassionate Sheffield Programme

  • Our activities – Just some of the events, workshops and collaborations from 2024

  • Resources – A recap of the asset-based resources we’ve developed

  • What’s next? – Plans for the future.

Meet The Team

Our key collaborators

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